The Magnetized Man

Think. Act. Become.

A magnetized man treats his brain and body like a high-end vehicle.

No crude thoughts. No crude emotions. Just refined fuel for focused power.

Think. Act. Become.

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Omar is a loser.

At least that’s what he thinks. And why shouldn’t he?

At twenty-seven, he’s barely employed, facing an assault charge, and living at home with his father who he can’t stand.

Desperate to turn his life around, he signs up for a dubious study conducted by a startup and run by a no-nonsense woman with zero tolerance for self pity. The goal: change the way the brain works using a Pavlovian-like device called The Magnet that punishes its user for negative thoughts.

Within weeks, Omar’s life begins to turn around as he starts to move with intention. With his newfound mental clarity and emotional management, he finds the confidence to learn any skill, approach any woman, or take any risk.

But as his sense of self grows more entwined with The Magnet and its charismatic founders, he begins making brash decisions and taking impulsive actions that lead him to start tearing down the new life he’s built.

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